CO2Tables Excel Add-In

Carbon Dioxide properties for Excel based on Industrial formulation (32 bit & 64 bit)

For Excel 2010 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2013 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2016 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2019 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2021 or 365 desktop (32 bit & 64 bit)

Operating system Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11.

CO2Tables Excel Add-In

About CO2 Tables Excel Add-In

The CO2 Tables Excel Add-In library calculates 29 thermodynamic and transport properties of carbon dioxide.

It allows 11 different combinations of input variables to be used for calculations.

Input variables that can be used are:

  •  1 Pressure
  •  2 Temperature
  •  3 Enthalpy
  •  4 Entropy
  •  5 Volume
  •  6 Internal energy
  •  7 Quality (vapor mass fraction)

The library is fully integrated in Excel, and available functions can be used in the same way as any other Excel function.

Main features of the library:
  • Professional quality, industrial strength software, proven in real world applications
  • Based on the formulation for advanced technical applications
  • License includes 32 bit and 64 bit version of the library
  • Create User Defined Functions (UDF) which use CO2Tables functions
  • Developed in C++ for maximum speed, thoroughly tested for accuracy
  • Easy to install and easy to use
  • One year free technical support

The following figure shows a sample spreadsheet included in the download package.

CO2Tables Excel Add-In

CO2Tables Excel Add-In - Sample calculations in Excel

Used Formulations

For thermodynamic properties the library uses new industrial formulation for carbon dioxide, formulated in Helmholtz energy. It is intended to be used for advanced technical applications.

Equation of state was presented in:

  • "Equations of State for Technical Applications" by R. Span and W. Wagner, International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol.24, No.1, January 2003

For transport properties the library uses equations presented in:

  • "The Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide" by A. Fenghour, W. A. Wakeham and V. Vesovic, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 27, No 1, 1998
  • "A Reference Multiparameter Thermal Conductivity Equation for Carbon Dioxide with an Optimized Functional Form" by G. Scalabrin, P. Marchi, and F. Finezzo and R. Span, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No 4, 2006

System Requirements

Operating system Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11.

Excel 2010 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2013 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2016 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2019 (32 bit & 64 bit) / 2021 or 365 desktop (32 bit & 64 bit).

User privileges
Installation and use of the library requires standard user privileges or better.

Carbone Dioxide Properties

The following thermodynamic and transport properties can be calculated with CO2Tables Excel Add-In:

Calculable properties in SI or E units - CO2Tables Excel Add-In v3.2
  1 Pressure
  2 Temperature
  3 Density
  4 Specific volume
  5 Specific enthalpy
  6 Specific entropy
  7 Specific internal energy
  8 Specific isobaric heat capacity
  9 Specific isochoric heat capacity
 10 Speed of sound
 11 Isentropic exponent
 12 Specific Helmholtz free energy
 13 Specific Gibbs free energy
 14 Compressibility factor
 15 Quality [vapor mass fraction]
 16 Isobaric volume expansion coefficient
 17 Isothermal compressibility
 18 Partial derivative (dV/dT)p
 19 Partial derivative (dV/dP)T
 20 Partial derivative (dP/dT)v
 21 Partial derivative (dP/dV)T
 22 Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient
 23 Joule-Thomson coefficient
 24 Melting pressure
 25 Dynamic viscosity
 26 Kinematic viscosity
 27 Thermal conductivity
 28 Thermal diffusivity
 29 Prandtl number

Range of Validity

The entire set of equations used by the CO2Tables Excel Add-In library, is defined by the following temperature and pressure range:

  • 216.6 K < = T < = 1024 K
  • 0 < = p < = 100 MPa


The following screenshots demonstrate how to use the library, it's a 4 step process.

1.(a) Start Excel and press the "Insert Function" toolbar button.

Insert Function toolbar button

1.(b) Alternatively, start Excel and press the "Insert Function" menu item.

Insert Function menu item

2. Select a CO2Tables library (SI or English units).

Select CO2Tables library

3. Select a function and press the OK button.

Select Function - CO2Tables library

4. Enter input parameters and press the OK button.

Calculate CO2Tables properties

NOTE: You don't have to put quotes around the property ID, they are inserted automatically.

That's it, the result will be displayed in the selected cell.


The setup program will automatically install the library in Excel.

To install the library successfully you must have at least standard user privileges on your computer.


The built-in ZIP support on Windows 10 is buggy and sometimes cannot open a valid (not empty) zip file.

Use 7-zip (free and open source) or some other reliable program for zip file processing.

CO2Tables Excel Add-In library

For Excel 2007 / 2010 (32 bit) / 2013 (32 bit) / 2016 (32 bit) / 2019 (32 bit) / 365 desktop (32 bit)

- Download CO2Tables Excel Add-In version (3.2) - demo (32 bit)

CO2Tables Excel Add-In library

For Excel 2010 (64 bit) / 2013 (64 bit) / 2016 (64 bit) / 2019 (64 bit) / 365 desktop (64 bit)

- Download CO2Tables Excel Add-In version (3.2) - demo (64 bit)

You can also evaluate the CO2 Tables library online, visit "CO2 Tables Calculator" web application. It uses the same calculation engine as the CO2Tables Excel Add-In library.

Quick reference documents

- List of available properties in CO2Tables Excel Add-In

- List of available functions in CO2Tables Excel Add-In

Price info

Prices subject to change without notice!

A license includes 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the library.

CO2Tables Excel Add-In version 3.2
1-4 licensesUSD 399.95 per copy
5-20 licensesUSD 349.95 per copy
21 > licensesUSD 324.95 per copy
Company wide licenseUSD 11995.00


Each license also includes the following:

  • One year free e-mail technical support
  • One year free minor version updates if available (for example 3.3, 3.x up to, but not including version 4.0)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact sales. Contact information is provided on the following page:

 Contact Us - (opens in a new tab)

General Information

For quick access to the CO2Tables Excel Add-In, you may purchase and download our product using automated and secure online ordering system.
After ordering, you will receive a notification mail with further instructions for how to download and install the software.

The Registration includes a free subscription program. Each Registered user will be receiving bug fixes and technical support for the registered version within one year.

Shipping by the postal mail is not available.

How to order

1. Internet ordering

Available ordering options (open an order form to select):

  • Credit Card (Visa®, Mastercard®, American Express®, Discover®)
  • PayPal
  • Amazon

To buy a specific number of licenses for the CO2Tables Excel Add-In click the button: Open order page for the CO2Tables Excel Add-In.

To purchase a Company Wide License contact sales. Contact information is provided on the following page:
 Contact Us - (opens in a new tab)

2. Bank Direct Payment

If you prefer to pay for the product by "Bank Direct Payment", contact sales. Contact information is provided on the following page:

 Contact Us - (opens in a new tab)