CO2Tables Excel Add-In v3.2 (32 bit & 64 bit)

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Carbon Dioxide

The CO2 Tables Excel Add-In library calculates 29 thermodynamic and transport properties of carbon dioxide. The library uses equation of state for high speed calculations and is intended for technical applications.

  • Based on the formulation for advanced technical applications
  • Developed in C++ for maximum speed
  • Create User Defined Functions (UDF) which use CO2Tables functions
  • Examples how to use the library included
  • One year free technical support
Read more about CO2Tables Excel Add-In .
CO2Tables Excel Add-In in Excel

CO2Tables Scientific Excel Add-In in Excel

 CO2TablesSci Excel Add-In v2.0 (32 bit & 64 bit)

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Carbon Dioxide (Scientific)

The CO2TablesSci Excel Add-In library calculates 34 thermodynamic and transport properties of carbon dioxide. The library uses the most accurate formulation for thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide available today. The library is recommended to be used for applications requiring scientific level of accuracy.

  • Based on the international standard formulation
  • Maximum accuracy at high temperatures and in the supercritical CO2 region
  • Extended range of validity
  • Developed in C++ for maximum speed
  • Extend the library with User Defined Functions (UDF)
  • One year free technical support

 Carbon Dioxide Properties Gadget

Uses the CO2Tables Excel Add-In library calculation engine.

The CO2 Tables Calculator gadget is based on the Industrial Formulation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Dioxide.

Enter pressure and temperature and press the "Calculate" button to display results.